
Callipeg mini is designed to operate the iPhone gestures possibilities to make your use of the app as quick and intuitive as possible. A single tap uses or opens a tool or feature.Tap on any icon to use the tool or feature or to open various panels.When a text is orange, this means that it […]

The Canvas

The main part of the interface is of course the canvas where you can draw. Tap on the menu icon and on to invert the canvas horizontally. Touch to open the settings panel and go to the Canvas tab to change the canvas settings. In the tab Canvas of the settings you can set the […]

The Top Bar

The top bar allows you to access the main options, the tools and the tools’ options. The menu icon gives access to the main options. The icon next to the menu is the current tool, tap on it to change tool. The icons next to the tool are the selected tool’s options, they change depending […]


When you create or open a shot you access the main interface, where you can draw and animate. The features are mainly accessible via icons. The interface is made of 3 parts: the top bar, the canvas, and the timeline. Tap on the menu icon to access the main options. Touch the settings icon to access […]


Options There are 2 buttons on the shot, the first one “Open” will open the shot and the second one “Compress” will compress the shot and reduce its storage size. Tap on the shot, scene, or folder menu to access the options. Rename the shot/scene/folder. You can also rename shots and folders by double-tapping on […]


Filters Tap on Filters to open and manage the filters. In the filters panel you can choose to filter certain categories to display in the Studio. There are 4 categories: shots, scenes, folders and colors. Shots Only: displays only the shots in the Studio, scenes and folders will not be displayed. Uncompressed: displays only uncompressed […]


Order The Studio displays elements in the following order: shots, scenes and folder. However, you can decide how the elements are sorted within these categories. Tap on the icon next to “Studio” in the top bar to define the order of the elements in your Studio. Most recent files will sort your shots, scenes, and […]


Create The Studio is the first interface you see when you open Callipeg.  It gathers all the shots, scenes and folders. When you start the app for the first time the Studio is empty. Tap on + and create a New Shot, a New Scene or a New Folder. Tap on New Shot to access […]

Feature Request

School Purchase

Read here how to purchase content in Apple School Manager.


Technical Issue


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