Callipeg has predefined brushes which enable you to start drawing from rough to clean without straying too far from your usual tools. After being accustomed to the App and the brushes, you will be able to make your own brushes by handling the brush parameters.
On the left of the screen you can control the current brush size and opacity.
Drag up or down on the circle to increase or decrease the value.
A few brushes are available by default.
In the top bar's main tool, choose the brush icon to draw.
Tap on the brush settings icon to open the brush panel and display the list of brushes.
Swipe from right to left to export, duplicate, or delete a brush.
Tap on a brush to use it, tap a second time on the brush to access the brush parameters.

At the top of the parameters there is the brush preview to keep an eye on what the brush looks like.
You can change the different parameters by moving the sliders or by double-tapping on the values to change them manually.

The brushes with a – before their names are special brushes with fewer editable parameters. The brushes without the mark can be fully customised.
Smoothing makes the stroke smoother. The higher the value, the smoother the stroke will be.

Taper will add a size increase (IN) at the beginning of the stroke and a size decrease (OUT) at the end of the stroke. It simulates a size pressure, which is especially useful when drawing with the finger, when there is no pressure data available.
Increase the value to increase the length of the taper.
Switch to Preview smoothing with brush in the canvas settings to improve the smoothing preview.

Spacing sets the value of the space between each print of the tip on the canvas.

Color Mix allows you to mix the pixels and colors together. If you have colored pixels on the sheet, using another color with the brush will mix the current color with the existing colored pixels.

By activating the Color Mix, we have access to more parameters:
Reinject Color constantly adds the current color to the mix while mixing with another color.
Reinject Color constantly adds the current color to the mix while mixing with another color.
Color charge will add the current color at the beginning of the brush stroke while mixing.
Color charge will add the current color at the beginning of the brush stroke while mixing.
Smudge will mix the colors without adding the current color.
Smudge will mix the colors without adding the current color.
Dry is useful when you are using a brush with a low opacity. When it is disabled and you draw with one stroke, the pixels do not overlap but blend together. Whereas when it is enabled the colored pixels overlap on top of one another.

Tip is the tip of the brush. It is possible to add more tips by tapping on the tip image and on +.
If you tap on a tip, you will be able to delete it. You can delete a tip only if there are more than one.
If you wish to design your own tips, design them black on white in a square ratio.
Cycle defines in which order the tip images will be printed on the canvas, in a linear or random way.
The tip can’t be changed for the brushes that don’t use pixel-based tips: Round Opacity, Pencil HB, Pencil, Brush.

Rotation style is the parameter that controls the behaviour of the tip rotation.
- None: the tip does not rotate.
- Random: the tip rotates in a randomized order.
- Stylus Azimuth: the tip rotation depends on the pencil angle in relation to the screen.
- Line Angle: the tip rotation follows the direction of the line being drawn.

Rotation style is the parameter that controls the behaviour of the tip rotation.
- None: the tip does not rotate.
- Random: the tip rotates in a randomized order.
- Stylus Azimuth: the tip rotation depends on the pencil angle in relation to the screen.
- Line Angle: the tip rotation follows the direction of the line being drawn.
Texture is an image in grayscale, black and white on which the brush will apply while drawing.
Alpha threshold defines the strength with which the texture details will be visible as alpha in the brush. The black in the texture image represents the maximum opacity and the white the minimum opacity. Tap on Texture to import a texture from a photograph, the Album, or the Files.

AntiAliasing will add a gradient of transparent pixels around your brush stroke.

AntiAliasing will add a gradient of transparent pixels around your brush stroke.
Scroll to the bottom of the brush settings to access the Reset button. This button will reset the brush to its default settings.

You can use the option Clear Tools in the General settings to reset all brushes in the app. You will need to restart the app for the changes to be applied.
! This option will delete all created and custom brushes.