Peg files are the animation files exported from Callipeg with the file extension .peg. These files can be opened in Callipeg and contain all your animation data.
It is advised to export your shots as peg files regularly in a cloud storage to manually backup your work.

To export a .peg file, tap on the text bellow “Type” to choose Sequence, and in “Format” choose Callipeg.

Next to the preview you have some information about the exported file.
Shot Size is the pixel resolution of the shot.
FPS is the framerate of the animation (number of frames in 1 second).
Storage left is the amount of storage left in your device.
Estimated size is the size of the future exported file. The result is usually rounded up to make sure that the file size is not bigger than the estimated size.
Tap on the Export button at the bottom to start the export.
Do not switch app during the export process.