Use a two-finger tap on the canvas to undo the action and a three-finger tap to redo the action.

Pinch 2 fingers apart to zoom-in, and pinch to zoom-out.
Twist your fingers while pinching to rotate the canvas.
You can also use the pinch to resize while using the transformation tool.
Pinch quickly with two fingers on the canvas to reset the position of the canvas.
Enable the Magnetic Zoom to snap the zoom to certain values of the zoom percentage (e.g. 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, etc.)
To snap the zoom at certain angles, go to the settings, canvas, activate the Magnetic Rotation and tap on the value of Snap Angle to change it manually to the desired value.
Disable the rotation of the canvas if you wish to disable the rotation gesture of the canvas.
Disable the zooming on the canvas if you wish to disable the zooming gesture on the canvas.

Swipe up or down on the circles on the left of the screen to increase or decrease the brush size and opacity values.
Tap with 4 fingers to play and stop the animation.

Long-touch with 4 fingers with both hands to instantly use the transformation tool.
You can enable this gesture in the canvas settings > 4 fingers transform allowed.
The position of your 4 fingers will determine the area of the pixels selected that will be transformed.
Make sure to frame everything you want to transform.

The transformation box will follow the behaviour previously set in the transformation tool, affine or perspective.
Affine: you will be able to change the size of the transformation box by moving your fingers appart or closer together.

Perspective: the 4 handles of the transformation box will follow the position of the 4 fingers on the screen.

Enable the option “4 fingers transform keeps ratio” in the canvas settings to preserve the ratio while transforming with this gesture.