In the top bar, tap on the tool and choose the selection tool.

In the right side of the top bar you can find the following options:
When an area is selected, you can deselect by tapping on this option, in the right side of the top bar.
The Quick Transform allows you to switch automatically to the transformation tool after selecting an area.
The Free-Hand selection allows you to draw the shape of your selection.
The Rectangle selection allows you to draw a rectangle of the area you want to select.
The Ellipse selection allows you to draw an ellipse of the area you want to select.
Makes a selection of all the pixels contained in the current drawing sheet.
Inverts the selection.
Copies the selection.
Cuts the selection.
Pastes the copied or cut content.
Once you have set your selection, you can switch to the Brush tool to draw or fill only the selected area, or switch to the Transformation Tool to move and/or resize the selected pixels.