
Export image & sequence

Single Image

To export a single image, set the “Type” as Image.

You can export PNG, TGA, or PSD formats.

Use the slider under the preview to choose the image you wish to export.

Image Sequence

To export an image sequence, set the “Type” as Sequence.


Set the format as PNG or TGA to export a PNG or a TGA sequence.

You will find some options at the bottom left of the panel:

Export one image per sheet will export one image file for each drawing sheet.

Export with Structure will export one folder for each layer, and each folder containing their corresponding image files for each frame, or drawing sheet.

Export background will export the canvas background color. Disable this option to export the images with a transparent background (recommended).

The exported folders and image files names will depend on what was determined in the File name tab of the settings.

Learn more about File Name


You can use the PSD format with the Sequence type. You will be able to import the exported PSD in Callipeg as a horizontal PSD.

Choose to export One file per frame to export multiple PSD files.

Learn more about PSD export

Next to the preview are a few information about the exported file.

Shot Size is the pixel resolution of the shot.

FPS is the framerate of the animation (number of frames in 1 second).

Storage left is the amount of storage left in your device.

Estimated size is the size of the future exported file. The result is usually rounded up to make sure that the file size is not bigger than the estimated size. 

Tap on the Export button at the bottom to start the export.
Do not switch app during the export process.

Feature Request

School Purchase

Read here how to purchase content in Apple School Manager.


Technical Issue


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