Learn Callipeg




The Studio is the first interface you see when you open Callipeg. It gathers all the shots, scenes and folders.


When you start the app for the first time the Studio is empty. Tap on + in the top-right corner and create a New Shot, a New Scene or a New Folder.

Tap on New Shot to access the panel to edit all the characteristics of your shot and create it.

In the pop-up that appears you can name your shot and choose the size of the canvas and the framerate of the animation.

Width is the number in pixels of the horizontal size of the canvas.

Height is the number in pixels of the vertical size of the canvas.

FPS is the number of frames per second of the animation.

You can determine the Length of your animation shot in seconds, it is set to 1 second by default.


Number of shots to create allows you to create multiple shots at once. And by creating multiple shots, you can choose to insert them in a New Scene or not.

Tap on Preset to choose between various dimensions presets.

Add Preset allows you to save your custom canvas size and give it a name.

Tap on New Scene to create a new empty scene. Scenes can contain multiple shots.

You can create a new shot directly with the + block at the end of a scene.

Tap on New Folder to create a new empty folder. Folders can contain multiple shots, scenes and folders.

Tap on Import at the top-right of the screen if you want to create a shot with an existing image or video from your Photo Album, your Files or simply by creating one using the camera. You can also import Callipeg PEG files and image sequences from your files.

Learn more about import