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Tap on this icon in the top bar to open the side bar and manage the filters.

In the side bar you can choose to filter certain categories to display in the Studio.

There are 4 categories: shots, scenes, folders and colors.


  • Only: displays only the shots in the Studio, scenes and folders will not be displayed.
  • Uncompressed: displays only uncompressed shots and the scenes and folders containing uncompressed shots.
  • Compressed: displays only compressed shots and the scenes and folders containing compressed shots.
  •  Only: displays only the scenes in the Studio, shots outside of scenes and folders will not be displayed.
  • The labels under Only are the names of the existing scenes in the Studio, tap on a scene name to open it and display the shots contained inside.
  •  Only: displays only the folders in the Studio or in the folder that is already open. Tap on a folder name to open it and display the shots, scenes, or folders contained inside.
  • The labels under Only are the names of the existing folders in the Studio or in the folder that is already open. Tap on a folder name to open it and display the shots, scenes or folders contained inside.

The color filters are the colors you assign to your shots. There are a few colors by default which you can edit, delete, or assign to your shots.

  • The labels of colors are the colors by default and/or the colors you created to assign to your shots. Tap on a label to display only the shots with the assigned color.

To assign a color on a shot, tap on the circle in the top-right corner of the shot and choose a color. You can also create your own color and label by tapping on Add Color.

Tap on None to remove the color from the shot.

You can assign a color by dragging the circle of the color to your shot or selected shots.

Swipe left on a color filter to Edit the color, rename the color, or delete it.

At the bottom of the side bar, you have the possibility to compress all the shots in the Studio. There is written the total number of shots, the storage space occupied by these shots, and the storage space remaining on your iPad. Compressing shots will allow you to free storage space on you iPad.

Use the search bar to find a shot, a scene, or a folder by name.

Feature Request

School Purchase

Read here how to purchase content in Apple School Manager.


Technical Issue


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