Install Import Script in Blender
Download the following script “”:
If the file is unzipped, compress it.
Launch Blender, and click on Edit > Preferences.

In the Add-ons tab, click on Install…
Then choose your compressed file and click on Install Add-on.

Once it is installed, check the box of the add-on with the name “Rigging: Rainbow Experimental Tools“.
And check the 3 options in the preferences.

Export file in Callipeg
In the export tab of the settings, set the type as Sequence and the format as OCA, then tap on Export and save it in your Files.

This export is limited to what can be imported in the targeted program.
Move your exported file to your computer and unzip it.

Import file in Blender
Now you can import your Callipeg shot in Blender:
Click on File > Import > OCA as Duik 2D Scene and in the exported uncompressed folder, choose the file named “data.oca“.

Click on Import OCA as Duik 2… which will import the file.

You can now continue working on your shot in Blender.
The importing script has been developed by open source toolmaker Rainbox Laboratory. Please visit their website to discover their other tools.