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The timeline is located at the bottom of the interface. It can contain numerous layers and be stretched up through the height of the interface.

The timeline can be hidden by tapping on the timeline icon, the 3rd icon located in the top bar, to give you the space you need when you draw.

The numbers at the top of the timeline represent the number of frames. It is possible to choose to start by the frame 0 or 1 according to the needs of the productions. To change this number, go to Settings and in General switch the button Start counting frames at 0 or at 1.

In the timeline tab of the Settings it is possible to get the values in time instead of frames: next to Timeline metric choose Frame or Time.

The sheets thumbnails can be displayed if your shot size is 1920×1080 or less. This option can be disabled in the timeline settings if you wish to gain more performances.

The timeline contains sheets which contain one or several frames. To create a sheet in the timeline, just draw or double-tap in the timeline where you want it to be.

Tap on this icon in the side bar to add a new drawing sheet after the current drawing sheet of the current layer.

Timeline Sheet Length determines the length of a newly created drawing sheet. Tap on the number to enter the number of frames you want the sheet to last.

You can choose to highlight frames with different values.

If you choose to highlight your frames every 12 frames:

If you choose to highlight your frames every 24 frames:

The highlights will spread the more you zoom out in the timeline.

To scrub in the timeline drag left and right. You can also drag on the canvas with 3 fingers which is called the Flip.

The flip ruler only shows when the timeline is closed.

You can find some options at the bottom of the timeline that will influence the content of the timeline.

The options on the left are modes that influence how the adjacent sheets behave when you resize a sheet.

When you resize a sheet you can push the adjacent sheets.
When you resize a sheet you can't push adjacent sheets, the position of the adjacent sheets is locked.
The magnet changes the behaviour of the sheets to one another.

If the magnet is enabled and you extend a sheet, the empty spaces will be pushed as well.
If the magnet is disabled and you extend a sheet, the empty spaces will be filled.

Use the mode “push neighbors” and long-touch on the magnet to remove empty spaces between the sheets.
Use the mode “don’t push neighbors” and long-touch on the magnet to fill the empty spaces by increasing the sheets length.

The options on the right change the focus with the zoom and position in the timeline.

Tap on this icon to reset the timeline scale and position.
Tap on this icon to zoom at the position of the current frame.
Tap on this icon to adjust the timeline to fit all the layers' content, or the selected sheets.

In the General settings, Size limit for scrub cache allows you to improve the fluidity of the scrubbing. The higher the value is, the more fluid the scrub will be on a more important number of frames.

To flip with a button, open the floating menu with a 2 fingers long-touch and use the flip icon by dragging it up and down.

You can choose to flip on either frames, sheets, or markers.
If you choose to flip on frames, you will go through all the frames of your animation while flipping.
If you choose to flip on sheets, you will only flip between every different drawing.
If you choose to flip on markers, you will flip through all the markers set in the ruler of the timeline.
To change between frames, sheets, or markers, go to the settings, in the Flip tab, tap on the orange text next to Flip Style, and choose Frames, Sheets, or Markers.

You can also invert the movement of the Flip and adjust its sensitivity with the slider.

In the side bar these icons allow you to go to the previous and next frame in the timeline.
In the side bar these icons allow you to go to the Start and End frame in the timeline.

If the onion skin is enabled, you can see the previous and next drawings while flipping and scrubbing. In settings > Timeline, switch the button Scrubbing disables Onion Skin to see only the current drawings while scrubbing and flipping.

To increase the length of a sheet you need to select it first.

Double-tap to select a sheet. The left and right arrows allow you to increase or decrease the length of a sheet on several frames. Drag an arrow left or right to change the length of the sheet.

To increase the length of a sheet you need to select it first.

Double-tap to select a sheet. The left and right arrows allow you to increase or decrease the length of a sheet on several frames. Drag an arrow left or right to change the length of the sheet.

Double tap and drag to select several sheets.

The bar at the top of the timeline turns orange to indicate that one or several sheets are selected somewhere in the timeline. Tap anywhere in the timeline to deselect.

Double tap and drag to select several sheets.

The bar at the top of the timeline turns orange to indicate that one or several sheets are selected somewhere in the timeline. Tap anywhere in the timeline to deselect.

Once you have selected one or several sheets you can move them anywhere in the timeline with a drag.

Once you have selected one or several sheets you can move them anywhere in the timeline with a drag.

The Action Panel is displayed at the top of the timeline any time there is at least one sheet selected.

The options available in the Action Panel depend on which layer(s) has their sheets, clips or keyframes selected.

The length of the selected sheet or clip is always visible.

Deletes the selected sheet(s).
Copies the sheet content.
Pastes the sheet content.
Duplicates the sheet(s) with the content.
Duplicates the sheet(s) without the content.
Duplicates the sheet(s) and links both sheets together.

When you duplicate, if you let the finger or pencil on the screen, you can already drag the duplicated sheets wherever you want. If not, they will be placed automatically after the selected sheets.

Sets the timing, the length of each selected sheet, from 1 to 6 frames. If you want to go beyond, stay on the clock and let go to set the value manually.
Splits the selected sheet(s) and divides it into several sheets exposed for a lower number of images. The new created sheets are empty. If the number of images exposed per sheet exceeds the number of images exposed in the original sheet, nothing happens.
Inverts the order of the selected sheets. This option only works if more than one sheet is selected.

If you have only 2 sheets selected, the invert button will swap them.

Creates an inbetween structure by adding a blank sheet between the selected sheets. The new sheet gets the same exposure than the one before. This option only works if more than one sheet is selected.
Imports an image or photograph in the selected sheet.
Creates a new cycle with the selected sheets.
Shows the labels of the icons.

The options seen above concern the selection of the sheets of a drawing layer.

Feature Request

School Purchase

Read here how to purchase content in Apple School Manager.


Technical Issue


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